Winds Warning for 7-16-24

Hi Folks,

Winds at 6:30 a.m. are already blowing 17-18 mph and while we are setting umbrellas up, they will be left in the ‘down’ position. 7.5′ umbrellas can be raised just like a rain umbrella but i’d encourage you not to try as you stand a good chance of it blowing away on you. For those of you with 9’s and 11’s, please do NOT attempt to raise them. If we’re not raising them for safety issues, then neither should you. We outline our policies online regarding winds and how it can affect your set up as it’s about beach safety and our insurance carrier imposes strict requirements on us, but it’s about liability for us and for you, that’s why we’re making you aware of the potential for flying umbrellas if you open them up. Please bear in mind that nearly 3,000 people every year go the Emergency Room for having been injured by a flying umbrella.

Today will also probably result in an early removal of all beach equipment as the winds will only increase as the day progresses and our carrier requires the removal once winds rise above 18, although we may fudge it a bit, we do have to act in the interest of company liability and beach safety as we all need to realize that this beach is packed and a flying umbrella has a chance of always hitting someone. If the staff does come to remove the items early, please don’t delay them or question them or berate them, as they’re only doing their jobs as directed by management. Thanks for your understanding.