
Be advised that today’s weather is forecasted to be 50/60% chance of rain off and on again throughout the day. While we are setting up this morning, ALL umbrellas will be left in the down position. 7.5 umbrellas (wood pole umbs) can be raised by pushing them open like a rain umbrella. 9’s and 11’s are a different animal in raising and we ask that you don’t try to raise them yourself, but call us and we will come out and do them for you as if you raise it and break it, it will cost you $$ to repair it, so please call us instead. Depending upon the weather and how the day plays out, it may result in an early removal of beach equipment today.

Also, bear in mind our policies on weather. All of you had 3 opportunities to read our policies online during the ordering process as we put in big enough lettering for you to read our policies before continuing and you have to check the box at checkout that says ‘I accept terms and conditions’ which states you’ve read them and wish to proceed. We are transparent in our policies and give you every conceivable ‘what-if’ that can happen regarding a delay or cancelation of your service due to weather. An email went out just last week reminding you to again, read our policies so you know what to expect.

you can click here to read again:

Terms And Conditions | Sandlappers Beach Supplies